Halloween treat: New episodes of Monster Talks out!

Image: The Monster Talks logo (Artwork by Joanne Teresa Taylor, NettOp, University of Stavanger).

Monster Talks is a podcast series that explores the figure of the monster and the concept of the monstrous as important thinking tools for addressing dynamics of power, inclusion and exclusion, discrimination and violence. The podcast is produced by The Monster Network in collaboration with Network for Gender Studies at UiS.

All episodes and their transcripts are available from the podcast’s website at UiS.

Artwork by Joanne Teresa Taylor, NettOp, University of Stavanger.

Strange Futures, Unruly Origins: Collectives revolves around community building as well as structures of inclusion and exclusion, or inclusiveness and exclusiveness. We invite a discussion on the politics and ethics as well as aesthetics of communities and collective voices in order to explore the premises but also the limitations of monstrous kinship, family, and community in the now, in the past and in potential futures. One of the questions behind the organising of this panel has been, in times of crisis, be they for example ecological political, medical, or technological, who get to belong and who are marginalised and potentially monsterised. With professor, Patricia MacCormack (Anglia Ruskin University, UK) and two collectives: Not Lone Wolf Collective and The Monster Network. Hosted by Aino-Kaisa Koistinen from The Monster Network.

Strange Futures, Unruly Origins: Science Fiction

Strange Futures, Unruly Origins: Science Fiction explores the role of the monster in arts and storytelling practices, with a particular focus on how stories of monsters and the monstrous as a methodological perspective and a methodological tool may and also sometimes may not challenge our understanding of the past and open up to unexpected and potentially more promising futures. We ask what are perhaps the limits to the figure of the monster and what are the challenges when working with the monstrous in art and storytelling the idea of futures and the power of speculation. With Regina Kanyu Wang(PhD candidate in Co-Futures, University of Oslo, Norway and writer of speculative fiction), Marietta Radomska (associate prof., Linköpings University, Sweden), Susanne Winterling (Artist and Professor of fine arts), and Sami Ahmad Khan (Co-Futures, University of Oslo, Norway). Hosted by Line Henriksen from The Monster Network.

Monster Talks transcribed – and a Halloween treat!

In the recent years, The Monster Network has taken up measures to make our activities more accessible. We are therefore happy to let you know that all of our Monster Talks podcasts are now transcribed! The transcriptions can be found here.

And that’s not all! As you might now, The Monster Network has a tradition of hosting/publishing a Halloween special, and there might be something special coming your way this Halloween, too. Stay tuned!